This time last year, none of us would have thought we’d still be fighting this deadly disease. But we are: when one side of the world appears to have slowed the spread of COVID, another part of the world appears to have accelerated it. However, the silver lining, if you choose to see one, is that the world has slowed down and become more inclusive; people are inclined to be kinder, more compassionate and patient towards each other.
A more inclusive world necessitates changing or improving how people behave and how they choose to challenge whatever is disagreeable with them and how they challenge injustices and inequalities, but more importantly how they challenge their own biases and beliefs. However, challenging anything to make an impact requires critical self-analysis because societal change and cultural shifts don’t happen overnight, these are gradual changes that begin with one person.
In a year where sometimes getting out of bed was a challenge, the #challenge trend evolved towards challenging how people show kindness and compassion for others and how they challenged t worked well. On International Women’s Day, for example, the theme was Choose to Challenge – choose to challenge e.g. injustices towards women, systemic inequalities etc.
So, I ask you TiH tribe, what do you choose? I choose self-love: because I believe charity begins at home, and if you choose self-love, then giving to others becomes second nature. Choosing self-love removes the obligation of giving love to others, and births expression of gratitude by giving and showing love to others.
It’s all too easy to forget yourself when you are surrounded by people who need your constant care and attention. Life becomes muddled and heavy with anxiety, stress, and exhaustion which undoubtedly destabilise your inner tranquillity. The beauty of self-love is that it can be found in the smallest of things like taking walks, long bath, self-care day, Netflix series-marathon without guilt.
The transformation and satisfaction one get from self-love is immeasurable and enduring and in the long run, it becomes the blueprint for giving to others.
This month, I challenge you to choose self-love with faithful intention.
Have a blessed Easter