Farewell thee, our beloved….


Cúcú – one of the most iconic women of our times.

To many people, you were:- Maitú (Mum) – twice Tata (Aunty) Mwarí wa maitú (Sister) Maitú múkúrú (Mum) Cúcú (grandmother) – twice Múrata (friend)Our wonderful grandmother, you have left us a legacy.We shed tears now that you are gone, but we smile because you lived.We close our eyes and pray that you will come back, but we open our eyes and see all that you left behind – love, forgiveness, peace, harmony and family.You have left us these things to fill the emptiness in our hearts and the voids in our lives.We will always love & miss you. We will forever cherish your memory. Through us, your legacy lives on.God saw you getting tired, so He put his arms around you and whispered, “Come to Me” With tearful eyes, we watched you and saw you pass away Although we love you dearly, we couldn’t make you stay. Your golden heart stopped beating; your hardworking hands rested. Your inquisitive mind rested. God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the very best.Gone from the world but forever in our hearts. Rest in peace our beloved Cúcú.Yours forever, Túcúcú, túcúkúrú na túcúkúrúkú (Grand children, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren)***For more like this…. Join the tribeLike us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFollow us on Instagram

1 Comment

  1. Star, the way you talk about your nan tells us all that she was indeed a wonderful person. May she rest in eternal peace.

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